I found something I didn't even know was on my Stratos. I noticed a boat at the club upside down on a trestle and under each gunwale there was a length of red rope and some shock cord. It ran for about half the length of the hull. What is it for? Naturally, my rigging instructions don't even refer to it. I can only guess it has something to do with capsize recovery. Any ideas anyone?
Its for crew to hold and lean back on when righting capsized boat. Its a standard thing to find on many of the newer dinghies now. It avoids the need to use the jibsheet thrown over the top by the crew. This has always been standard practice, BUT we notice in our Stratos a big problem if this traditional technique is used. As the boat comes up, the jib, which is being effectively held in by the weight of the crew pulling the boat up, powers-up and makes it difficult to complete the recovery. Also it actually encourages the boat to start sailing off (it effectively turns the boat so it bears away and starts sailing)- all while the crew is still trying to get in. HENCE this gunwale rope! Cheers Kevin
This is very interesting...I have tried to right the boat on several occasions using the jib and found that the boat boat will not complete the righting no matter how much effort I've put in. I have always assumed that it is because the tanks are full of water and are opposing my effort; something I've grumbled about. However, I shall now be using the method you've described. Many thanks... Shaun.
Hi Guys,I noticed the comments on the Stratos Rigging Manual. I am working on a new one as time allows and will let you know when it is available. In the meantime if anyone has anything they think should be added your comments would be welcomed
Good luck with this. I wonder if it could be more than a rigging manual. Possibly a rigging manual and sailing guide? Could include a hints & tips section or a FAQ section... I'd be happy to contribute to help with it... we have 14 stratos and are learning a lot! Kevin