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 Outboard mount.

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grahn Posted - 13 Sep 2008 : 15:26:05
Has anyone got the template for a transom outboard mount. How does the genuine one fit? Do the really long bolts traverse the transom front to rear? That I'm guessing would make the bolts some 6" long. I would have thought you could glue a wooden plate to the transom rear sitting on the bottom hull lip and standing proud at the top to allow an outboard c clamp over thereby avoiding drilling the hull rear. Yes the glue would have to be good but it should work for the smallest of motors say 2-2.5 hp.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Novice Bob Posted - 22 Jul 2013 : 09:49:18
My bracket still doing the job, a little delamination but nothing serious. Invaluable on Sunday when the delay in dropping keel (very sticky) meant got blown onto pier at Port Edgar. Note to self, motor out, drop keel and then raise mainsail when stiff wind from the East.
nojonareach Posted - 12 May 2013 : 09:11:57
That sounds perfect Bill, just the ticket and as you say far cry from £165. When i need to replace mine i was thinking of making it removable. instead of sealing the bracket on the transom i would use a closed cell foam gasket and using wing nuts with spring washers on the inside of the transom instead of nylocs. i can then put the bolts back with 'o' ring to seal the holes when i don't want it fitted. e.g when racing.
Bill Gray Posted - 09 May 2013 : 23:47:35
Like Novice Bob, I have made my own outboard bracket. Made a template from another bracket by tracing around the shape onto paper. Quarter sheet of exterior grade 18mm ply from Jewsons (£11) - and enough to make at least 3 brackets. Marked out shape from template and cut it out with a jigsaw and then used that to mark out another and cut it. Glued and screwed the 2 together with Gorilla glue (£3)) and sanded them smooth. Made the other 2 side/cross brackets also from the ply glued together to make 36mm thickness - the top one is chamfered from 25mm to 15mm across its width, by the way. Then 6 x M6 x 60mm stainless steel bolts, washers and nyloc nuts (£5). I will now give the whole thing several coats of varnish and I have bought an aluminium protection plate on ebay for the bracket face that the outboard screws onto (not provided with the 'official' Laser kit).

Total cost less than £20 - some way from the £165 plus postage I was quoted for the Laser kit...........and if/when I need to replace it, I still have enough raw material left to make another 2! Very therapeutic activity putting it all together too...!
grahn Posted - 28 Apr 2013 : 18:48:31
A piece of 6" wide hardwood screwed together to form a h sits on the transom the long bit of the rear sitting on the bottom lip edge on the boat. The horizontal bit of the h crosses the transom and the short bit drops down the inside. The h is made tight so it grips the transom and glues on. A sort shaft electric outboard grips the top of the h with the h being to the right of the rudder but near the middle. The rudder has to be half lifted or the prop will foul. A mobility scooter batter 24ah sealed sits on the center console under the hoop.
Bill Gray Posted - 24 Apr 2013 : 19:01:33
Hey, Novice Bob - How's the engine bracket doing? I just bought a Stratos without one and tried (what now seems like a well-trodden path) to get one from a supplier, without any luck. I have been given a 6-8 week delivery time - maybe, if I'm lucky. So, I'm about to have a crack at making one myself. I will be using a bracket fitted to another Stratos from the local club as my template. Did you end up gluing or bolting yours on - or maybe both? I'm also guessing that the bracket is bolted single skinned with washers etc on the inside - I need to look at bit more closely at my target template. Like you, I'm not sure if I can still source marine ply (Jewsons used to do it many years ago), but exterior grade ply with numerous layers of varnish will probably manage a few seasons.......Then again, I might just take a screw driver down to the local club......
Novice Bob Posted - 17 Sep 2012 : 11:33:25
An update on my outboard bracket, still looking good and having outboard rescued us from embarassment of drifting into the pier on Sunday last week, well didn't save us from the embarassment, saved us being stuck there all day while a cadet boat faffed about in front of us.
Novice Bob Posted - 16 Nov 2011 : 09:37:36
Looking good so far, fitting on Saturday.
Novice Bob Posted - 14 Nov 2011 : 14:18:10
I was too cheap to buy marine ply so I'm currently building my first outboard mount with two sheets of 18mm external ply epoxied together and bolted too. Drew round someone's mount in the dinghy park onto a sheet of pine shelving, made a wallpaper template and poked holes where bolts were and then drilled thes into my wooden template.

Will seal whole thing and then apply many coats of yacht varnish, it may well eventually delaminate but since I could only buy a sheet of 8' by 4' I can make dozens of the things.

I will report back on success or otherwise.
Novice Bob Posted - 07 Oct 2011 : 12:54:07
You may have wasted a day making one, but you could waste up to 16 weeks waiting for Laser to make you one. Engine delivered to day, no-one can supply the bracket so it's off to B & Q. I assume the plate bolts through the transom and some big washers and wing nuts are in order?
barleycon Posted - 09 Nov 2008 : 16:21:31
' he nearly t-boned us port side. He maintains he should not have to alter course behind us cause he is racing. We were going to hold our course...'
I think the racer made a mistake: a boat racing does not have right of way. Ususal rules apply. It's helpful to give way to a racer but not a requirement.
grahn Posted - 06 Nov 2008 : 17:32:59
One benefit of the coming winter is the cruiser lift out which removed all those obstacles to us less competent sailors so now we get a stright run in our tidal creek. Though we neally came a cropper the other week in Hayling bay in a F5 with full reef. We heard the shouted expletives of a club racer as he nearly t-boned us port side. He maintains he should not have to alter course behind us cause he is racing. We were going to hold our course but tacked in response to the verbal. Then he complained because we nearly capsized on top of him.
neilgbj Posted - 04 Nov 2008 : 22:07:19
You must keep us posted on how the glue big is the battery ?

I shall be braving the North Sea this winter......Stratos is a great boat in those short choppy waves ! We must keep the winter sailing stories coming !


deswift Posted - 04 Nov 2008 : 19:57:18
As Neil (grahn) will tell you, down here on the English RiverArea, it's practically summer right now.! Shorts and Tee!.

We had a great race this Sunday and our 'Australian Summer Series' continues right up 'til Christmas.

bubble Posted - 04 Nov 2008 : 19:50:35
well done

yes , once you have drilled you have holes forever!!!

good luck with your 'rig'

how much sailing have you done?, I have bought a dry suit and intend to brave the elements all this winter, inland of course, trouble is getting the 'crew ' worked up [woken up?]

never mind.


another neill, cambridge.
grahn Posted - 04 Nov 2008 : 17:36:23
I could bear the thought of drilling holes in my transom or spending money on the laser bracket so I bought a bit of hardwood and made a u shaped bracket that glues on to the transom. got an e-thrust 56lb electric motor of ebay and a leisure battery in a box that straps to the bracket and toestraps. Checked it out on a Topper Omega and the motor was powerful enough to move the similar weight/sized boat against a tide. Got some funny looks from sailors who couldn't figure out how we were moving becalmed when they weren't cause the motor makes no noise.

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