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 Halyards slipping/unlocking

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ivanwilson Posted - 11 Aug 2013 : 13:43:26
Both the main halyard and jib halyard on my Stratos are not guaranteed to lock into their cleats so will come out unless I tie the halyard ends around the mast. The Halyards were replaced in 2009 / 10 and as the boat is only used recreationally about 7 or 8 times a year they are still in good condition. I replaced the jib halyard previously with no improvement. Is there a good solution to solve this problem?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
deswift Posted - 25 Aug 2013 : 11:59:27
Ivan, if the rope is slipping through the cleat, it can only be the diameter of the rope, or the effectiveness of the cleats. I cant think of any other factors that will cause the halyard(s) to slip.

Warsash Sailing Club
sboot Posted - 16 Aug 2013 : 12:40:46
This is not usually a problem, as long as there is a good tension the ropes should lock into the cleats. However the Cleats on the mast can become worn and may need replacing.

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