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 Playing the Kicker

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
astanislaus Posted - 09 Jun 2012 : 21:08:30

Since my first beat racing Rastamouse I've found my self frustrated by only being able to adjust the kicker from one side of the boat. Was wondering if anyone had tried adding a block as the line feeds aft so that two lines would be available to feed port and starboard cleats?

Any other ideas - not being able to play the kicker upwind is not optional for me.....

Adrian Stanislaus

Stratos 926 - Rastamouse
"Makin' a bad start good"
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
deswift Posted - 04 Jul 2012 : 11:09:41
Adrian, absolutely possible - and I tried out the method, with an extra block and continuous line leading to both sides. There is a limit on how far you can ease the vang, before the block comes up against the mast fitting. Also, you've doubled the length of the control line, as you're now adding an extra 2:1. When you pull on kicker, it's like a snake's wedding in the cockpit!

The only [fixture] addition you'll need is an extra cheek-block under the console, to lead to the other side. That does mean removing the console and refitting it afterwards, but it's only a few screws and some sikaflex.

Warsash Sailing Club
NickM Posted - 25 Jun 2012 : 22:17:35
I agree with you Adrain, but not sure whether that would be within class rules.


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