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Mike Rowe Posted - 30 Aug 2009 : 15:49:41
Is a jib-stick permitted to help keep the jib out when goose-winging?
Mike, Obi (273).
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mike Rowe Posted - 05 Nov 2009 : 10:12:06
Sounds better than holding the jib out for a long run. My wife isn't too keen on arm-ache!

Where do you attach it to the mast?
Do you just have a spike at the jib clew?
Do you think 2.4m is the best length?
How do you store it on board when not in use?

Sorry for all the questions!

John F Shears Posted - 02 Nov 2009 : 22:29:13
We have now tried a jib stick (2.4m long)in our club racing in light winds and won! This we feel is fair as the course are always set for boat with spinnaker's. The Stratos sail configuration being in the minority in our club. quote]Originally posted by Mike Rowe

Is a jib-stick permitted to help keep the jib out when goose-winging?
Mike, Obi (273).

John F Shears
Mike Rowe Posted - 31 Aug 2009 : 18:27:39
Sounds like a good trick, I'll give it a try. Cheers, Mike.
neilgbj Posted - 31 Aug 2009 : 08:40:50

probably not for class events but otherwise its up to you I suppose. Not sure where you would the inboard end ? I dont normally run that deep. If it is light and running deep I sometimes drop the kite halyard about 6 to 12 inches which means you can actually ease the kite to windward and almost use it like a conventional spinnaker sailing deeper with more sail !...let us know how you get on !


Neil (270)

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