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Ian S Posted - 07 May 2013 : 23:29:03

Have just taken the new Stratos out for her first sail at CYC... Great handler, but wow, the rigging took about 90 minutes... I used to own a L2000 and we could get that one from trailer to water in under 30 minutes...!! So Opinions on any of these please:

1. Gooseneck ... does it really need that fiddly split ring doing every time? Why not a slot in neck like the L2000 had?
2. Shrouds : due to the small bit of decking each side of the mast it is not possible to dop the mast with the shrouds attched (either fore or aft - we tried both!! SO Has anyone tried using Wichard Hooks instead of the pins & split rings to attch these safely?
3. Vang seems strangely rigged - is it a cascade system or a block to block system...?
4. What is the true draft with the keel down all the way?

Many thanks for anyone who reads / answers


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
madmanrichie Posted - 12 Jun 2013 : 08:42:51
The Draft listed for the keel is listed as 1.2 meters. I have not measured it myself but it seems right.
deswift Posted - 13 May 2013 : 15:19:13

I think you're going to have to copy from another boat, or refer to the the photos on this post

... and get yourself to the Nationals at Warsash and someone will help you get it right.

Warsash Sailing Club
Ian S Posted - 13 May 2013 : 15:01:49
Great thanks

i think the fast pins are probably the way to go. 47 year old eyes are not great at the split rings!!

I am trying to re-rig the Kicker, but have run into problems - is there a rigging guide for this somewhere? My friends in the L2000 CA Have supplied their diagram, but of course that's for a L2000 so slightly different, esp as has the bilateral control... A diagram / guide somewhere would be most useful


nojonareach Posted - 12 May 2013 : 09:04:40
Hi Ian. I certainly would not go down the 'Wichard' route for rigging...not a good idea. Why don't you use 'Fast pins' and 'drop pins' for the rigging and gooseneck respectively....see here

The previous owner of my boat used to tow it so he had a mousing line for the kite halyard so that he could extend it when lowering the rig without un-reeving it.

Kicker should only require one shackle attachment at the base of the mast and a hook on the boom, the rest can stay attached to the boat so it really shouldn't take many seconds to rig.

Time wise that does sound a long time but practice will make perfect!

For draft i would suggest you take the overall length of the keel and then subtract the amount sitting above the box plus depth from top of case to base of hull through the aperture then you will know.

Hope this helps.
Ian S Posted - 10 May 2013 : 21:43:49
Hi AGain

Sadly our Stratos lives on our front lawn in Farnborough currently, but is going out again at Papercourt SC very soon... I noticed a lot of red Strati (Centreboards) when I was at CYC - do you have any keelers there? Got a good bit of CYC mud on the keel so reckon that was a good first taster!

Anyone else able to answer the rigging queries possibly? I feel a chandlery purchase coming on....

bty151282 Posted - 08 May 2013 : 11:35:21
Can't answer all the specifics, but does seem a long time to rig.
Was that your keel in the carpark this week?
I have CB Stratos 872 at CYC. Happy to meet up to have a look and you can compare the rigging to ours. There are several Stratoses (strati?) in the dinghy park.
Will be at CYC 11.30 Sunday 12/5 it that's any help.

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