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deswift Posted - 25 Apr 2013 : 15:14:51
I think this is going to be a great opportunity to uncover everyone's thoughts on where owners can buy sails and parts to keep this great fleet going. Perhaps we can some up with a rough agenda between now and then.

Who's going to join us for Sailing and Dinner at Warsash?

Warsash Sailing Club
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nojonareach Posted - 12 May 2013 : 09:24:21
With regard to sails i think we either need to go down the route of a single sailmaker who is used to dealing with low number classes (e.g. Dick Batt as i have mentioned in a previous post... he is just making our club training Stratos a new jib at something like £45 cheaper than Laser and its better quality) or we need to issue class dimensions, cloth etc and allow freedom of choice of loft. The sails would then need to be approved by a measurer. The latter obviously opens the whole thing right up but is harder to manage. I do think that restricting people to having to buy Laser stuff for in effect one event a year (the nationals) is not right.

Regarding parts, mods etc The laser 1, 2000 etc etc tight restrictions are fully understandable because of the amount of one design racing they do but for us it really isn't appropriate and we can then allow development if necessary to improve the craft with new tweaks and ideas...agm approved of course.

Were joining you at the nats. btw i did send the membership secretary an email to join but have never received a reply????
grahn Posted - 28 Apr 2013 : 19:01:09
On the subject of parts if anyone snaps a mast Super Spars fareham made an excellent black one for a fraction of the laser price. I just took my busted one in as a guide and they copied it.

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