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NickM Posted - 18 Jan 2013 : 17:09:37
Am I right in thinking that Laser have now stopped making the Keel as well? Their website suggests they are still selling spares. I wonder how long stocks will last. Laser have just deleted the L2000 too but LDC are taking it on. No propsect of them doing the Stratos I expect, but I think some L2000 parts are shared with the Stratos.

If Laser have completely dropped the class, what is it's long term propspect? Should it "break free" from the Laser parent like the SB20 and 2000? (Does anybody care?)

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
grahn Posted - 26 Feb 2014 : 19:33:15
Don't know about a manufacturer but a i'd have the £2800 centre board in for sale if I didn't already have one. If some tweaks were to be added in a new boat I'd ask for 3 bigger sails which the boat could handle easily.
sboot Posted - 24 Feb 2014 : 12:49:24
Has there been any progress with looking for a new Manufacturer?? Or is the Class just going to die??
deswift Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 19:58:00
Hi Nick, we had huge turn out for the AGM and mainly we discussed the options for being self-sufficient for rigging and parts - and also how we promote and encourage the class. I'll aim to put my summary somewhere here very soon, along with a supplier/price-list for sails, foils and rigging.

Warsash Sailing Club
NickM Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 19:30:21
Surely SOMEBODY was at the AGM...??

NickM Posted - 01 Aug 2013 : 08:38:03
Could anybody very kindly summarise the discusion of this at the AGM for those who were not there?

madmanrichie Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 14:41:21
Hi David no I won't be able to attend the Nationals.
deswift Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 14:34:05
Hi Richard, looking forward to discussing this more at the weekend. Are you coming along?

Warsash Sailing Club
madmanrichie Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 14:17:27
Has anybody approached Phil Morrison and possible builders that could take on the design. The class can't continue if these discussions don't take place.
madmanrichie Posted - 10 Jun 2013 : 15:58:47
There are lots of boat classes that only have a small number of boats produced each year eg Wayfarer and Wanderer both built by Harley Laminates. There is no reason why the Stratos and the Stratos keel could not be produced by another boat builder. Both versions of the Stratos are excellent boats that would sell just as well as other boats such as the Wayfarer and Wanderers. Both the SB3 and the Laser 2000 have now been taken on by other builders and the same thing should happen to the both versions of the Stratos.
sboot Posted - 24 May 2013 : 08:03:52
We need to find a new manufacturer.
What about Heartly Boats? They do Wayfarers and Wanderers.

Any other suggestions?
Neiljbg Posted - 07 Mar 2013 : 19:06:39
Perhaps just to give some warning about where we could end up post Laser if we are not proactive. My other boat is a Laser 5000 and Laser stopped making them some years ago...we can still get foils through Sailboats but it is not quick. Sails..still through Hydes and Sailboats but again slow and if you need one quickly it can prove challenging....spars..Selden destroyed the mast section so we are in the unfortunate situation of seeking a new supplier ( think we are sorted now) for an aluminium mast (trying to keep the one design so not going carbon atm)....I won't go into hulls as it gets complicated..

None of these problems are insurmountable but we do need to think ahead ( as it seems the 2000s have done) to either get a supplier of the size of LDC or discuss where we go (retain the one design, allow some flexibility etc) with other suppliers...I think David's point around the AGM is a good one and probably an important agenda item ( do we need a small group to consider the ongoing supply situation with the boat to really nail it...)

Just my thoughts, I think if we are proactive now it will prevent problems in the future


nojonareach Posted - 06 Mar 2013 : 15:47:31
Hi David
sorry i just saw that the nationals has been posted since i was last here!! okay will do re-joining.

Yes i think its a fair handicap. We race in a mixed fleet and due to the tides of getting back up to Emsworth e.g. punching the ebb we don't tend to beat the iso's, 400's and 300's but find were always mixing it with lasers, laser 2000's and RS200's who all rate around the same as us. We won the medium handicap fleet and came 8th overall for our winter open series October - December. There were about 50ish boats across all classes so we were pretty pleased.
deswift Posted - 06 Mar 2013 : 15:37:08
Hi John, re membership, you can email the Class Secretary using the 'contact us' link @ top left of page, or come along to the Nationals and join on the day!.
Let us know how you get on club racing against other classes - is it a fair handicap?

Look forward to seeing you there.

Warsash Sailing Club
nojonareach Posted - 06 Mar 2013 : 15:27:48
Hi David, Nick and others. i had replied on another thread about the nationals this year and association membership but have had no response. We bought No239 last summer and have enjoyed club racing it and cruising in Chichester Harbour. Do you still have a class association...if so we'd like to join!

Regarding sails, i think its probably time to drop Hydes as the sailmaker especially if they will only make in batches. I had a new kite made by Dick Batt, Batt Sails at Bosham. as i have used him in the past for other boats. He's a top class sailmaker and its a fantastic kite. Dick has a great reputation and caters often for small classes. He did say to me that he would happily talk to the class if you wanted and come up with a plan as he has great experience of doing this kind of thing. oh and the kite was cheaper than an off the shelf Hyde, much better quality and made in the UK.

deswift Posted - 02 Mar 2013 : 20:54:19
Hi Nick, Interesting conversation. Actually, I can't think of many parts on the stratos (except foils and spars) that you couldn't get from one chandlery or another. And as for sails, I'm sure there would be no shortage of sailmakers happy to provide options to the class. I foresee some interesting conversations this summer at the Nationals and AGM!!... (watch this space for details).

Warsash Sailing Club

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