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 Stratos out of production?

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NickM Posted - 25 Jun 2012 : 22:14:20
I have just spotted on the Laser website that the Stratos Keel is apparently now out of production as well as the C/B version. Has anybody got any idea what that means for spares such as foils and fittings? Should we be trying to identify alternative sources of supply? What has happened to the Laser SB3 now it is the SB20?

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NickM Posted - 04 Jul 2012 : 22:21:40
Ah found it - on which you seem to able to able to navigate to some ways but not others. I think it is a dead bit of website that has not been taken down. The Stratos Keel does indeed feature on

NickM Posted - 04 Jul 2012 : 22:05:09
Thanks David. You're right. I must have beenlooking at a different Laser website which I cannot now find. (There do seem to be a number of versions.) But on it the Stratos Keel was definitely consigned to the "boat archive" section. A shadow of things to come??

deswift Posted - 04 Jul 2012 : 10:46:47
Hi Nick, the Laser (UK) site still seems to have the Stratos and Spares and are very helpful too.

And yes, theSB3 is now the SB20

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