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 Keel up or down?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JohnnyP Posted - 19 Jun 2012 : 16:04:11
Hi - I'm a new Stratos Keel owner and plan to moor the boat off a shallow bay for a few months over the summer. My question is should the keel be up or down? Down would seem to have stability advantages, but an extra 1.5m of depth translates to much more distance from shore. I'd be very grateful to hear of other members thoughts, experiences and also general ground tackle setup. Thanks. John.
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NickM Posted - 25 Jun 2012 : 22:09:46
John, it really depends on how protected your mooring is and what the tides are like. As you say it will be more stable with the keel down but you don't want that to be touching the bottom at low water springs. If that is not an option then half way down is a good compromise which has worked for me. I have only moored using tackle laid by a professional marina. As "keel" boats go the stratos is pretty light and should not need anything very heavy but then again if you get a Force 9 blowing in suddenly, you will be happy to have something pretty solid.


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