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Andy.P Posted - 25 May 2012 : 14:08:05
Hi, Is there anyone with a stratos who sails at the Marconi sailing club in Essex. I am still a novice to sailing and have just got my statos which I will be moving up to MSC this weekend. I am also a new member of the MSC, so I am new to everything at the moment and any advise or help would be great.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andy.P Posted - 05 Jun 2012 : 14:59:31
Hi. Sat 26/5/12, took my Stratos and family crew to the sailing club which I have joined for the first time. I meet a few nice people stright away and they showed me were my Stratos would now be staying. The day was very warm but with a good breeze. My crew and I decided to sail for the first time straight away as there was a race on and we were told that the support boats would be out for another couple of hours and that might be handy. So all got changed into our shorty wet suits shorts over top, dinghy shoes, buoyancy aids, caps,sun glasses and gloves. Pulled the boat on to the hard stand at the waters edge. Faced boat into wind. Set up mast, Rigged sails and then reefed main. So far every thing went well because I had done plenty of dry runs with the rigging at home but I wasn't to sure on launching as no one had shown me, even when I had lessons. I could see the wind was blowing at an angle off the hard stand, so I kept the boat facing into the wind and into the water she went. Floated boat of launching trolley and parked that in safe place. Still everything was going well. Lots of people watching the race going on and us. Crew held boat, I got onboard, crew started to board but pushed boat round, sails started to fill and I was off with crew hanging on the side. Anyone watching must have thought my crew were water skiing, I couldn't turn into the wind because the centre board was still up and rudder not fully down. Quick action was needed,I let go of the tiller and grabbed my crew on board. Put rudder down. Crew now took there positions and the boat was brought under conrol,I thought. The next thing was when we went to tack. I couldn't turn the boat into wind, then I remembered the center board was still up. Put center board down, now we had fall control. After all that some people would have given up but if you are about to do your first sail and things don't go to well at the start, carry on because our next two hours were brilliant. We all got to know our Statos very well and we felt she was looking after us. We got some good speed up. Practiced our tacking and gibing. At the end we even got back with no problems. The next day we were out again. But this time I boarded last and we had no problems and our sailing got even better. All we need now is practice and a few pointers as we go along. As for our Laser Stratos. We love her.

neilgbj Posted - 25 May 2012 : 19:30:15
Andy...I am sure someone at your club will should be nice this weekend but breezy so first time out definatley reef.....I am in Suffolk so if you were struggling and you wanted to pop over then let me know....any questions ask on here and someone will have the answer but all sailing clubs are friendly places and you will get help at Marconi...

As David says come to the is great way to meet others, it is very low key and great fun and you will learn lots...Warsash is a great venue


Andy.P Posted - 25 May 2012 : 16:27:57
Thanks David I might very well come down and visit evryone and see how well a Stratos goes in that right hands. I have done my RYA sailing dinghy level one and now just want to get some experience under my belt before I do my level two. First of all I just want to learn my way around my Laser Stratos. So far I have just do a couple of dry runs putting the mast, rigging and sails up. That all went OK. This weekend I hoping to do the same but then start sailing with the main reefed. My crew (wife and daughter, who are up for anything that looks cool?) and my self are just going to take it slow and easy, yer right my lot don,t do slow so capsize lessons might be next. I will let everyone Know what happens
deswift Posted - 25 May 2012 : 14:17:39
Hi Andy,
Come to the Nationals at Warsash, 14th 15th July and meet everyone. You'll learn loads about the boat, In the meantime, see if anyone at your club runs RYA coaching, to get some basic skills under your belt.
Good luck

Warsash Sailing Club

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