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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NEILW Posted - 25 Mar 2012 : 19:27:52
Hello Forum,
Our Stratos hull has a few chips and bruises, a few small stress marks etc and we have been considering having the whole hull professionally re-finished.
Has anyone any experience of this or could anyone recommend a good quality repair shop?
We're in South Wales but don't mind travelling.
Hope someone can help?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dnmonk Posted - 09 Jun 2012 : 08:15:47
Many thanks. A novel use of sticky back plastic. Look forward to seeing teh finished article.
NEILW Posted - 08 Jun 2012 : 11:49:26
Hi here is the contact for Adrian at Glass Fibre Solutions:
07791 370863
We've just arrived back from Coppet Sailing week and the Stratos is all bagged up- as soon as we've washed her down I'll post some pictures of Adrian's work.
Here's a picture of us at last years Coppet week with the big stickers on the hull hiding all the marks.

Just for general interest Coppet week is put on by Saundersfoot sailing Club in Pembrokeshire- a fantastic week sailing. Here's a club link:

Neil W

Image Attachment: 100_1690.JPG (978.29 KB)
Uploaded on 23-Apr-2015 04:42:06
Viewed 6156 time(s).
Stratos 312 Coppet 2011

Image Attachment: 100_1690.JPG (978.29 KB)
Uploaded on 23-Apr-2015 04:42:06
Viewed 6156 time(s).
Stratos 312 Coppet 2011

dnmonk Posted - 08 Jun 2012 : 11:16:09
I would be grateful for contact details as I have been considering this for mine.

Many thanks


Originally posted by NEILW

Hi Ivan,
Thanks for the contact- we've just taken our dinghy to an ex -Laser fibre-glass specialist near Banbury- I'll let you know how we get on.

NEILW Posted - 30 Mar 2012 : 20:06:34
Hi Ivan,
Thanks for the contact- we've just taken our dinghy to an ex -Laser fibre-glass specialist near Banbury- I'll let you know how we get on.
ivanwilson Posted - 26 Mar 2012 : 16:08:30
Two years ago my Stratos was scratched on gravel during a flood - when the lake (Coniston in the Lake District) flooded the boat park. Phil Evans, Kendal based boat repairer did an excellent job of filling and new gel coat, new ropes and shrouds etc. But he is "hands on" and not good at responding to emails etc in my experience. So if you consider him try his phone no. 01539 738900.
Phil Evans sailing services - dinghy boat repairs.
The Joiners Shop, Bridge End, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0NH

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