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 outboard motor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Agis Posted - 14 Mar 2012 : 20:55:05
Hi to all in the group

I am looking in buying a small outboard for my Stratos.
I have read all the postings (and plenty they are!)of this forum regarding outboard engines and I have read some review articles on the Honda 2,3hp and the Tohatsu 3,5hp. Apparently the small 4-stroke Honda 2,3hp is most suitable for the boat in fair weather conditions, maybe max 8knts of wind or 2-3 beaufort. Has anyone had any experience in using the Honda 2,3 motor or any similar motor in more heavy weather conditions? Let¢s say with 4 to 5 beaufort , that would mean wind speeds 11-21knts and/or maybe 1m waves, with the main sail down of course. Maybe i am ask too much from a 2,3hp motor but I plan to use the motor for some daily excursions in case the wind either drops or its too much for the crew to handle....and for me as I am not a very experience sailor. I don¢t really care much about speed since in most cases I will be within 4-5 miles from civilization, but I do care that the motor will get us home if things don¢t turn out that well.

I have the centreboard version and I am very happy with it. This boat really forgives mistakes!

Thanks for reading, any comments/ suggestions will be appreciated.


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