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 Keel or CB - buying advice

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edsoup Posted - 11 May 2011 : 14:02:23
I'm considering buying a second hand statos as a family dinghy. My wife and I currently have a Laser 3000 but are interested in a stratos now that we have children as something more stable. We would be keeping the boat in Co Donegal on the northwest coast of Ireland and would be using it on the sea but in fairly protected bays and potentially on local lakes. I'm familiar with the CB version but have no experience with the keel. I'd be grateful for any pointers on what the differences in performance are and which might be a better option for northwest Ireland. I'm assuming the keel boat will be even more stable and perhaps better suited to coastal sailing but does it make it harder to launch and recover, particularly off a beach? Any advice gratefully received. Theo
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haroosh Posted - 10 Jul 2011 : 07:33:57
Originally posted by edsoup

I'm considering buying a second hand statos as a family dinghy. My wife and I currently have a Laser 3000 but are interested in a stratos now that we have children as something more stable. We would be keeping the boat in Co Donegal on the northwest coast of Ireland and would be using it on the sea but in fairly protected bays and potentially on local lakes. I'm familiar with the CB version but have no experience with the keel. I'd be grateful for any pointers on what the differences in performance are and which might be a better option for northwest Ireland. I'm assuming the keel boat will be even more stable and perhaps better suited to coastal sailing but does it make it harder to launch and recover, particularly off a beach? Any advice gratefully received. Theo

We recently purchased an older startos cb from our sailing club simply for taking the kids out who are now starting to show a little interest. It has turned out to be a very good boat for this purpose and is incredibly forgiving even with the kids and friends in it. Incredibly easy to sail. Only things I'm not so keen onnis weight pulling up the slip. I think the keel version may be a bit too heavy for us. Parts wise the keel and cb and very similar and slot of them are standard hardware items anyway with the odd custom bits.
JackHarty Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 20:54:42
Originally posted by pcarter

I think you'll find most of the parts are the same on the centreboard and keel versions apart from the hull (obviously) and the keel/centreboard related parts. I understand that the centreboard is the same as that on the Laser 2000 but you may want to verify that for yourself. I found the old centreboard Stratos parts manual linked of this page:

Pete 789

Many thanks for your reply. Very helpful.
pcarter Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 20:28:24
I think you'll find most of the parts are the same on the centreboard and keel versions apart from the hull (obviously) and the keel/centreboard related parts. I understand that the centreboard is the same as that on the Laser 2000 but you may want to verify that for yourself. I found the old centreboard Stratos parts manual linked of this page:

Pete 789
JackHarty Posted - 06 Jun 2011 : 19:43:43
I am considering buying a Stratos CB - just wondering about spare parts - the Stratos CB & Stratos Keel Spec looks pretty similar apart from the keel. Is it safe to assume on that basis that there should be no problem with spare parts for the Stratos CB once the Stratos Keel stays in production.

Was there much of a difference in price between a new CB & Keel Stratos before the CB went out of production. There seems to a considerable difference between 2nd hand versions - could this be explained by the fact that the CB is gone out of production.
NickM Posted - 23 May 2011 : 22:23:55

I have a Keel which I think would be fine for the sailing you describe. It is even more stable than the CB version, and it is easily left on a mooring. IT IS HEAVY. On the plus side, it punches through the waves happily enough. But launching, it will bog down in soft sand/mud and you will need more than a couple of strong men to shift it. Recovering it is not a problem if you can attach a long line and pull it out on a towbar. If you ever fancy single handed sailing, there are no worries about capsizing a keel - I have been one up on a F4 comfortably enough.


Snitch Posted - 17 May 2011 : 08:19:22
Hi Theo

I have just returned from the Stratos National training weekend at Warsash (Hampshire) and it was the first time I have sailed with/against the keel version - I have had a CB Stratos for 11 years. I sail off the North Kent coast at Whitstable, having bought the boat to introduce my children (aged 8 and 11 at the time) to dinghy sailing. I have found the CB good in strong winds, stable enough to take the children to sea and do some cruising. The Keel is much heavier meaning launch and recovery will take more muscle but whilst it is more stable I would not site the lack of stability as a major factor in my experience with the CB version. Given that Laser have stopped building the CB version I am unsure what that will do to CB second hand prices in the short term. Even the CB boat is stable compared to many dinghies and the excellent reefing system means if in doubt just reduce the sail area. There was a family out at Warsash in force 5 racing with a reefed mainsail and they had no problems.
Hope this helps.
Good luck

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