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 mast fittings

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grahn Posted - 26 Sep 2010 : 15:49:13
Anyone know what the 1.5" square plate with 1.25 U is for on the front of the black mast 2" above the small forestay clamp. Does the newer silver mast have this on. I snapped by old black mast and was working out what fittings were unused like this U. David metioned that the new mast spreaders are a shallow angle than the old black mast. Does this effect the lenght of the shrouds?
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grahn Posted - 11 Dec 2010 : 20:03:48
Ok the penny has dropped - just found pg 3 of 'stepping the mast' and it shows the bottom block on the right side bottom mast . Given the picture it would seem there is enough slack to take the bottom of the mast to the boat rear without removing spinney halyard.
grahn Posted - 11 Dec 2010 : 19:25:32
Sorry haven't quite got this sussed yet. When we take the mast down for transportation I can see where you detach the englefield clip on page 16 mof the manual. On old black spars is the spinney halyard bottom block the same as the top block? When you move the base of the mast to the rear of the boat what is best practice with regard the spinney halyard. I recall it's a loop you pull one way to uphaul other to downhaul. Does the loop allow you to trail the sp halyard parralel with the mast as you lay it on the boat? Or do ya disconnect the sp Halyard top and bottom before laying the mast down?
deswift Posted - 10 Dec 2010 : 18:05:06
Mast is better hanging out over the transom, rather than 'in' the boat. You could try, as I do, having teh foot of the mast forward and the top to the rear. Simples!

Warsash Sailing Club
grahn Posted - 10 Dec 2010 : 17:57:12
yes Ive got the warsash 2011 date in my diary. I find moving the boat on a trailer stress full gettin it all tied down. I put the rear of tha mast in the base of the boat tie the mast to the metal center hoop and to the y mast support. I wondered when driving over speed humps whether this could bend a mast if the front towbar was lower than the trailer axel as the trailer went over the hump. Could this flex the mast against its tied positon. I guess if you loosly tye it has some give.
deswift Posted - 08 Dec 2010 : 23:16:35
When you transport the mast, disconnect the Englefield Clip with the Geni Pole retrieval line attached, (from the bottom of the front of the mast) then untie the Spinnaker Halyard, from the head of the sail. Secure the halyard around the mast. That should give you enough manoeuvrability to lift the mast into the towing position. If you're short of a halyard block, you can either have a spare from my old mast, or pick up a small Ronstan block from the chandlery and shackle it on. They're about ten quid. Make sure you bring your boat to the 'WSC Stratos Open' in March!!


Warsash Sailing Club
grahn Posted - 08 Dec 2010 : 20:08:06
thinking about it its possible the spinaker block was undone from the u clamp when the mast was taken off the boat so maybe its in the boat bottom hangin off the loose spinney rope? When you transport your boat whats the norm with the spinney rope, detachit from the top section of the mast to get it in the horizontal postion? thanks for your replies - David
grahn Posted - 08 Dec 2010 : 19:22:23
I picked up my clone mast from that great bunch of guys in Fareham, they described it as a work of art and I'm inclined to agree at the modest price the charged me. It anodised black with black spreaders and old shrouds and rigging from the old mast. Using my old boom to save money. My insurance company love me, maybe my premiums won't rocket next year. Waiting for a warm day when I can fully it. Gotta find a spinnaker block I took off but I can't remember what it looks like or what make it was, any ideas?
deswift Posted - 26 Sep 2010 : 20:30:16
You'll be able to spray some silicone lube on those blocks. Just capsize the boat close to the shore or next to a pontoon, so you can reach it.

Warsash Sailing Club
grahn Posted - 26 Sep 2010 : 19:57:54
Thanks that makes sense. I pulled off all the removable stuff. I must have removed a spiniker block off this u shackel. With this stuff being internal on the new mast does that make lubrication hard?
I find all my pullies at the mast top sieze with the amount of mud I collect from being upside down in shallow water. Thanks again for your sound-mail advice Dave. I can't help thinking dealers/laser are milking it when bill climbs over £1250. Wouldn't it be nice is a snapped mast only coat £600. I'd have margin for it happening 2 then.
deswift Posted - 26 Sep 2010 : 17:49:39
Neil, if you're getting a new mast, it will be supplied rigged, with shrouds and forestay included. The fitting (I think) you're referring to above, is the fitting for the spinnaker halyard block. The new spar has an internal spinnaker block, with the halyard being routed up through the mast itself.


Warsash Sailing Club

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