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Richard Rowe Posted - 13 Sep 2010 : 22:09:31
I have recently bought a Laser Stratos (centre board) and have problems with it broaching in about force 4 to 5 when beating upwind. I have sailed many racing dinghies and havnt had such problems before. Can anyone enlighten me please?
Dick Rowe
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Richard Rowe Posted - 26 Sep 2010 : 19:24:56
Thanks for this. My crew is 15 stone plus so not a problem there! I have taken these points on board and will let you know how I progress next season. I notice that the centre board version has been discontinued, do you know why?
Thanks again for your help.

neilgbj Posted - 20 Sep 2010 : 19:12:23

Good to see you are getting to grips with things....I am not sure what your crew weight is but racing in a F 4 - 5 is certainly possible without a just have to work harder and keep your head out of the boat. I would keep the ratchet on to manage sheet loads but take it out of the cleat to give you instant response without the involuntarily cleating off which normally ends in a swim !

I think that because the Stratos is not an out and out racer keeping her flat by hiking in heavier winds can be a challenge but like everything else it comes with practice and keeping the boat going forward with eases in the gusts I find preferable. Your point on the kicker set up is well made and it can be frustrating sometimes. Just one point....with an asymmetric it is best to steer to power up/de power downwind.....easing the main will have some effect but steering is the key to managing the boat...If you have sailed the boats you mention I am sure you will quickly master the Stratos !


Richard Rowe Posted - 19 Sep 2010 : 21:11:16
Dear Tim and Neil,
Thanks for your response.
Firstly I am going quite well downwind learning to dump the main a lot in good winds. Both crew and I are new to asymetrics and are improving in every race and get good advice from others in the class,-(handicap fleet at Poole Yacht Club).
At the time we broached last was just before the start of a race and perhaps we were not as close to the wind as I presumed, but we seemed to be going very nicely until the sudden broach. As you know one doesnt always sail at ones best before the start or perhaps I dont! After we broached I decided to fully reef the main and we had a good race but a little under powered upwind. We both thought that one reef would have been ideal. I dont like to reef when racing but what is your view on this in a 4 to 5? I appreciate that this boat has a big main. I have now released the ratchet on the main block which hopefully will enable me to dump the main more quickly. My main sheet is 8mm.
I had a lovely cruising sail in Poole Harbour yesterday in a 2 to 3. The boat handled beautifully and we were planing nicely with the spinnaker up. It is just in the stronger winds that I am having problems but I expect it is just a case of us getting used to the boat. I have previously raced Albacores, Flying Fifteens and 505s and never experienced this sort of thing before, just healing not broaching.
Best regards
PS The Kicker. I have rigged the kicker lead, by putting a running block in up by the mast when the kicker is slack, so that I have two leads coming back to and out on both sides of the console. It works perfectly. It seemed crazy that one could not adjust the kicker with the lead on the leeward side.

neilgbj Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 08:06:04

There has been some discussion on this in the technical section as above....if you are used to sailing dinghies that may not be much help but I can't think of a boat set up issue which should cause these issues if it is significant.....the boat is well mannered in just about anything and it really is a case of easing in those big gusts or if the wind is right on the nose heading into wind to de power as the gust hits getting head out of the boat etc etc which you ar eprobably aware of. One other thought....are you taking on any water ?


Timk Posted - 16 Sep 2010 : 23:20:36
How is the boat downwind?


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