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grahn Posted - 30 Oct 2009 : 10:02:36
thinking of spending some money before the vat increase. I can see the sail offer from Laser Direct but it's suggested it's still expensive and who wants a white spinney? Are these sails a cheaper material. Dave (warsah) got a nice new main without nappy on the top. Would this be a cost saving and can a keel sail work on a CB in a with a less capable sailor like me. Someone was selling new red spinnys for £250 on ebay but I can't remmeber who.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nmcgwynne Posted - 01 Apr 2011 : 21:52:32
Ref: our telecon this evening Here is my email
grahn Posted - 05 Dec 2009 : 10:04:36
I got one of the david designed covers. The day after fitting was very windy. Two solo dinghys not tied down were lifted and flipped by the wind. One landing on the stratos side. The solo shrouds cut through the nice new cover. Doh!
Mike Rowe Posted - 02 Nov 2009 : 11:09:13
In my experience the mainsail float is pretty hopeless and doesn't stop an inversion. (I have a broken mast in my garage as evidence!)

If it is blowing and I think it's possible I might capsize I attach an inflatable mast float (I use a Crewsaver 40 litre float) which stops an inversion.

As for the sail suite offer, Laser say it doesn't apply with a keel mainsail (I think they just want to get rid of the 'discontinued' centreboard Stratos stock). I pointed out that both the centreboard & keel mainsails retail separately at the same price of £650 so couldn't see why not. After some discussion they agreed and I got the suite offer with a keel main.

Obi 273
deswift Posted - 30 Oct 2009 : 11:11:04
Hi Neil

The red sails on ebay were from They had only produced the genniker though, unless that's changed very recently.

The reason laser are now selling the sails at a reduced price, is that they have the float in the top - i.e. they are [discontinued] centreboard sails. Apparently, their offer does not apply to keel sails. You'll probably find differing views on here about whether or not the float is a benefit - it probably slows down a total inversion. And personally, I don't think it makes much difference to performance. Don't know what other peoples' experience is..?

Perhaps you could share the cost of a suit of sails with another owner, who might only need a jib.... i might be interested ! which sail are you specifically interested in?

Warsash 303

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