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 righting lines

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grahn Posted - 04 Oct 2009 : 20:44:34
Hi Folks, so we were heading out of hayling bay with the spinney up, a gust of wind grab the spinney and we lost control of the helm ending up capsizing starboard with big tidal waves coming inboard starboard side. I was on the center board but need to get right to the bottom of it to right the boat hence I left go over the lip on the gunhale, grabbed the righting lines running along the boat under the lip. The line came away. Does anyone know the right way to thread and where to secure the lines? is it in the rigging manual? Is there an optimum time to wait on the centre board before the tank fill to aid righting?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
deswift Posted - 05 Oct 2009 : 20:53:42
The shock chord will take your body weight, as long as it's new and stretchy. If it's old and brittle, it will let you down - quite literally ! The point is, that the rope needs to allow you to lean back far enough - and retract when you've finished with it. Or you could throw the jib sheet over and use that, (remember your RYA drill) unless, like me you tie both ends of the sheet together in the boat.

Practice makes perfect :-))
grahn Posted - 05 Oct 2009 : 20:10:04
Yes David is was the shock cord that parted. why do they use shock cord on a rope that can support body weight? the other guy with me has a topper omega which is in our class of boat. It has more sail but capsizes very quickly and is hard to right with it deep gunhales. the stratos seems very forgiving and seems to give you an age to balance the boat before going over.
deswift Posted - 04 Oct 2009 : 22:03:30
Don't think it's in the manual, I'll check how they're they're threaded. Probably the shock-chord that parted, as this is the weak point when it's old and brittle(?)

Best to keep looking over your shoulder to spot when the gusts are coming and get ready to ease the main, so you can bear away as the power comes on.

By the way, if one or both of you can climb over the gunwhale as you go over, you can get straight on the centreboard and keep dry!! But sometimes, it all happens too quickly.


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