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 Boat names for a stratos

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bubble Posted - 21 Mar 2008 : 14:12:18
I would love to name my boat ...........but how do I find out which names have been used?

the obvious ones like stratos sphere, statocaster etc etc etc must have been used, but how do i check

kind regards

neill cambridge, 622
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nick rea Posted - 01 Jun 2008 : 18:37:57
Despite extensive study and much practice and instruction my skill progression been slow , i am going to name my Stratos 'idiot' for obvious reasons.
sandy Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 19:35:25
Here are some of the names I have on the class association data base. Sorry about the layout but its the best I could do.

Gross Indecency / Red Devil / Red Arrow / Simply Red / Big Splash
Samapada II / Blue Stratos / dolius / stratosfaction / Collywobbles IV / Magpi / freeloader / Red Mist / hvitabjorn / scamp / Stratosfear/Sue P / stratovarios / Big Hilda III / jazzi / Stratospheric lugia/ Red Shift / this way up / red mist / lazy lizzie
ladybird / slam dunk / Saga / kool kat / first at last / sapphire
pup / Janice Marie / alizarin / Rojo / justb4 / red kite / Ketchup
bad boys / Betty / Stronsay / heron / petit bateau / daddy's
stratocaster / rosybunny / hummingbird / tanzanite II
lippy lizard / marverde / chuckle / Stronzetta / `one for the road / Hufflepuff / Oystercatcher / Wild Times / Red Herring Too / Y Draig Goch

I hope to see lots of these boats (and more) at the Nationals in Lymington in July!!! (5th & 6th).

neilgbj Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 17:29:14
We are 'Red Mist' (something to do with the helm when racing apparently)

Neil 270
Sayling Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 16:26:45
I've just finished sticking on the graphics for my boat name 'Ketchup' (my sail number is 568 and it's a centreboard version, hence the red theme).

Other red-themed names for Stratos which I have come across previously are: Simply Red, Red Devil, Red Shift, Red Kite; 'Stratos' themed known names are: Stratosfear, Skywalker, Stratovarios, Stratospheric and Stratocaster.

I think the Class Association register is probably your best bet.


sail no. 568 - 'Ketchup' @ FGSC
Derek Richards Posted - 26 Mar 2008 : 17:56:59
My Stratos no 256, is called Collywobbles - long story dont ask....
Derek Richards
mark_herrington Posted - 22 Mar 2008 : 20:55:38

Mine is called Snapper because it's red.

A bit corny I know but I like it!

We sail out of the Largs on the Clyde, west coast of Scotland. First sail of the season tomorrow, F5 forecast, could be interesting!


"Snapper" 250
neilgbj Posted - 22 Mar 2008 : 16:40:16
I think the Class association keep alist of numbers/names etc

Neil (270)
NEILW Posted - 22 Mar 2008 : 11:18:00
Hi Neil,
We've called ours 'StratoSaurus' as its a bit of a monster (its also the name of the Fender Stratocaster electric guitar web site) but didn't realise there was a potential list of names.
Perhaps owners could send there respective names to the site along with their sail numbers to avoid further duplication.
Apologies if anyone else has used the name 'StatoSaurus' but we're stuck with it now.
Any one out there in S.E. Wales with a Stratos?? We sail at Llandegfedd Reservoir.
Neil, Gill and Clare.
StratoSaurus 312

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