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 Rig Tension

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mark_herrington Posted - 02 Mar 2008 : 20:23:42

I know that this topic has come up a few times before but we don't seem to get a definitive answer.

The tuning guide on this site gives suggestions as to the tension depending on the strength of the wind but unfortunately doesn't give exact tensions. I was wondering whether,

1. Does anyone have exact loadings for the shrouds/ forestay?
2. If not, could Laser provide these?

Just under a month before the 1st race of the season at Largs SC, Clyde, Scotland.


Any help on the above most appreciated.


'Snapper' 250

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
neilgbj Posted - 16 Mar 2008 : 18:50:51
Read the newer rigging guide which states that no more than 150kgs rig tension (I think thats about 330lbs) so the 300lb mark seems about right....I was hoping to have a play in the windy stuff today but work intervened......if anybody does do some work around rig settings might be useful to post on the forum for others (in my case decent sails and a decent helm would probably help more !)


Neil (270)

mark_herrington Posted - 04 Mar 2008 : 06:58:28

Thanks for your post.

No I have no measurements whatsoever.

There are two Stratos' at Largs, ours and an former sailing school one. We are usually faster than the other Statos but this is more to do with old sails. We also compete closely with a Laser 2000 and he measures tension everytime and hence looking for a way of getting more competitive against him (he also has a new gib for the 2008 seasonso need all the help we can get!!).

There must be someone who knows?

Snapper 250
neilgbj Posted - 03 Mar 2008 : 18:59:09

I have never really bothered with the Stratos as it seems pretty ameanable but am going to measure next time out.......I normally go to around 300lbs on my ISO but have'nt got a clue about the Stratos. I'm not sure if there are any measurements for rake either........have you got any ?


Neil (603)

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