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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bubble Posted - 24 Jan 2008 : 07:01:32

I bought the laser rope pack and thought it was a good price, but, I find its missing some ropes. Does anybody have a cutting list for the main halyard etc etc and some suggested spec./ make of rope that's best to use, as I don't want to remove the old one until I have the new stuff.

Kind regards, Neill, Cambridge, 622

[ Ps still looking for an outboard mount and geniker trunk :-) ]
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pete1 Posted - 29 Apr 2008 : 08:15:25
Mast height is 7m but the halyard doesn't run the full length so I imagine 14m is correct (no harm in exra though).

The knobbly rope makes it stay in the cleat better. My main halyard slips now as it's always cleated on the same inch or 2 of rope. Rather than buy a new one I was going to lop 10cm off the top of it and reattach my "bobble" so moving the cleating area a wee bit. That's because I'm tight

pcarter Posted - 29 Apr 2008 : 06:33:13
I see you are a man who knows his ropes better than I do. My current halyard (a few years old but supplied by Laser) certainly isn't knobbly. My guess is that the key attributes are that its 4mm, strong and extremely low stretch. I suppose being knobbly helps grip when pulling, but maybe Laser just got a large batch cheap.

Pete 789
bubble Posted - 27 Apr 2008 : 19:56:36
thanks for the info pete

I guess when they [the guy on the laser stand] said 40 m it should have been 14m , hence i thought the previous advice was wrong!

vecklock is knobly , is this ok?

regds neill, cambridge 622
pcarter Posted - 27 Apr 2008 : 09:53:08
I spoke to Laser yesterday. Their current halyard specifications are:

Main - 14m of 4mm Vecklock in red
Gennaker - 18m of 4mm 8 plait pre-stretch in blue

Given that the mast heigth is 7.1m I'd be inclined to add on a couple of extra metres for the main halyard.

Pete 789
bubble Posted - 21 Mar 2008 : 14:08:20
no!! but some one at the dinghy show thought it might be around 4mm x 40 m

kind regards neill 622
pcarter Posted - 21 Mar 2008 : 10:03:33
Neill, did you ever get the correct lengths from Laser?

Pete 789
bty151282 Posted - 24 Jan 2008 : 21:47:08
The old rigging manual has a list of the rope specifications but this does not include the main halyard specification. Nor is the main halyard included in the parts list 2007.

I think you simply have to buy a low stretch rope of the correct diameter and get a generous length of 2 mast lengths.

Might be worth calling Laser.

I don't envy you rethreading it. When we rigged our Stratos on delivery the jib halyard fell out of the mast and it took most of the rest of the day to replace it.

Dell Quay

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