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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Crazydaisydoo Posted - 27 Jun 2007 : 05:20:41
Hi again,

The previous owner of our Stratos kept the sails and tiller in the dinghy when covered up. I have checked our insurance and it doesn't cover us if these are stolen without the dinghy. We use noble marine

With our topper topaz, we took everything away with us, except the boom and mast, but with the stratos this is quite an undertaking, we can barely fit the tiller in the car, let alone the huge sail bag.

Without "revealing" too much, what do others do here??

Everything is marked up with our names, postcode and sail number. I was thinking of taking the mainsail home over winter, and always taking the genny and the jib home.

All advice appreciated!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Crazydaisydoo Posted - 27 Jun 2007 : 17:50:00
Thanks Jon,

Top advice. I looked at the policy wording that we printed off the internet, and it said something about "theft of gear/fittings unless stolen with the boat" being excluded. I guess that means clothing etc??

Thanks for the re-assuring advice though, I thought it was a bit crazy to take all this stuff home every time.

Noble Marine Posted - 27 Jun 2007 : 15:53:40

I am pleased to confirm that Noble Marine DO provide cover for the sails, and tiller if left in the boat. All we ask is that there hidden from sight underneath the boat's cover.

Whilst the sails are covered in the boat, its not a great idea to leave them there for long periods of time as mice, rats, squirrels etc have a nasty habit of using sails for nests. If they do, the next time you come to use the boat you'll be left with a nasty smell and lots of holes in the sails. Noble Marine are one of the few companies who provide cover against rodent damage, but it will certainly mess up your days sailing.

I note that you mark the equipment with your sail number, and name. This is a great idea and stops any other Stratos sailors "borrowing" your kit and forgetting to return it.

Let me know if you have any other concerns.

Noble Marine

Insurance with a 10% discount for association members.

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