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 Weather Helm

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mark_herrington Posted - 04 Apr 2007 : 05:30:51
Hi,Out for the first time this year in our new (to us!) Stratos (Centreboard) racing at Largs Sailing Club, on the west coast of Scotland, a brilliant day with F3 winds and bright sunny skies.

On question is that we had a lot of weather helm in a few of the gusts that came through. Any thoughts on the reason? I think it might be the set up, not enough cunningham on but not sure. Is the Stratos prone to it?

Any help most welcome.

Snapper (250)
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pete1 Posted - 09 Jul 2007 : 10:20:43
How thick is the stop that laser supplied? I've noticed my blade rubbing on the transom. I tried a stop that aligned the blade parallel to the pintels but this gave heavy weather helm so the stop was clearly too big.


pcmoyes Posted - 03 May 2007 : 16:13:19
Hi Sayling
Basically yes my stop is attached to the stock rather than the blade, initialy set mine up by using a straight edge parrellel to the pins on the Stock then made sure the leading edge of the blade was parrallel.
After my blade snapped i was checking the new blade and i found that the blade was rubbing on the transom so i needed to fit the stops.

Sayling Posted - 03 May 2007 : 14:59:38
Originally posted by pcmoyes

A problem i had with my rudder was that there was no blade stop fitted in the yoke which meant that when the rudder blade was fully down it was not at 90 degrees to the hull but forward of the transom line, Laser sent me some self adsive pads to fit, this was after my blade snapped due to other reasons of manufacture.

I've just bought a secondhand Stratos. My rudder seems to go past vertical, and I can't see any 'stop'. Does the stop fit on the leading edge of the blade, where it bumps against the tiller stock? From what I can see, a small furniture bumper might work.

newly a Stratos c/b owner -- sail no. 568
pcmoyes Posted - 02 May 2007 : 14:09:51
A problem i had with my rudder was that there was no blade stop fitted in the yoke which meant that when the rudder blade was fully down it was not at 90 degrees to the hull but forward of the transom line, Laser sent me some self adsive pads to fit, this was after my blade snapped due to other reasons of manufacture.

neilgbj Posted - 05 Apr 2007 : 18:29:16

I have'nt suffered from serious weather helm as the boat is pretty forgiving.....upwind I tend to use lots of Kicker and only use the cunningham if seriously overpowered. If the gusts are frequent I also don't use the cleat on the main so that if hiking is'nt working I can play the main to de power.........for handicap racing throwing willing crew over the side on the trapeze also helps with keeping things flat when its windy..Was your rudder down fully ? If not it will seriously effect steering (and feel heavy)..Other than that can't really suggest anything except hiking and working hard really helps !


Neil (270)

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