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T O P I C    R E V I E W
neilgbj Posted - 22 Oct 2006 : 16:15:44
In the past few weeks been out in various wind strengths and we are now getting to know the boat a bit better but it has also raised a few questions.......

Mast rake - has anyone experimented ? In the stronger stuff F4 - 5+ I have found that just moving the pins down one hole on the shrouds has made the boat far more managable upwind (with lots of cunningham), particularly with a light crew. I have'nt measured the rake on the various settings and was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences etc (is there any view on where the rake should be measured to on the transom?). Is it worth the class as a whole beginning to collate some measurements with feedback on those settings ?

Kicker - How much kicker do you generally have downwind.... I am generally letting mine off almost fully, just enough to take up the slack as the main is sheeted. I have also moved the kicker to the rear cleat on the central console (cunningham to the forward one) which makes it more accesible (particularly for the bear away). I have read somewhere that someone was going to try to put in an extra block to lead the kicker to both sides of the console, has anyone tried this ( I know it may need change to the class rules)

Angles downwind - Some asymetrics sail faster as they go higher before bearing off in gusts. I find the Stratos does'nt seem to be able to go that high before it slows down, it seems fastest on more of a broad reach, (this is probably pilot error !) does anyone find the same ?

I am sure there were lots of other things but any views on the above welcome !

Neil (270)

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