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 New Sails - Laser Monopoly

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
neilgbj Posted - 01 Oct 2006 : 16:41:42
I am currently the 'proud' owner of some rather tired sails but am somewhat daunted by cost of replacement....I am sure this has been discussed before by the class association but as ever with Laser the monopoly of a one design boat means they can really charge the ultimate for most replacement parts. Is it time to consider looking at other specific sailmakers to try introduce some competition. I know this would require agreement from the class association and a change in class rules but....I am aware of this being the 'thin end of the wedge' and could potentially open the door to other changes but sails are a pretty big investment and it may help to attract others to the class who may be put off by upkeep etc.

I have been looking at the L4000 website (been sailing one over the summer, improves the agility !) and they are discussing the same issue.

Neil (270)

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Laser Direct Posted - 11 Oct 2006 : 13:04:28

I am sure we can sort something out if you let me know how many sail you might need!

01327 841613
SophieJezierski Posted - 05 Oct 2006 : 13:15:43
Try getting other Stratos owners together to bulk order - if several people want to renew sails at once I would hope Laser would be willing to offer an attractive discount. Or perhaps Laser would donate some for prizes at next year's Nationals - could be the incentive to get people travelling there!

On a positive note, our sails are 5 years old and have lasted incredibly well, except for the jib & that's because we're lazy & leave it furled rather than take it down every time. The kite is only just getting sad (despite an equal lack of tlc) which compares spectacularly well with some other classes (even those made by the same sailmaker.


Laser Direct Posted - 03 Oct 2006 : 08:49:06
Hi Neil and Stratos Class

Do not forget that we do run offers on sails during the year. The next time we are running one I will post some thing that is of course if the class committee does not mind?

What sails where you looking at replacing?



Laser Direct
01327 841613

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