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T O P I C    R E V I E W
provendog7 Posted - 10 Jan 2006 : 13:49:00
Is the foam flotation at top of mainsail required?
Does it do any good?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PatSalt Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 18:58:00
To add,

We decided to remove the "nappy" after failing to get the sail in
the bag nicely and getting the sail to set more optimally.
Extensive capsize testing both before and after the removal of the
floatation device indicates it makes no difference to recovery. We
now have the added benefit of rapid sail stowage and sleek on the
water sail shape.

The nice people at Valiant Sail (Maldon, Essex) sorted the removal
out quickly and cheaply. ~£15 I think.

Pat&Tim 701
DaveStubbs Posted - 20 Jan 2006 : 18:34:00
I sail in tidal and fresh water and have come to conclude that the
flotation is soley designed to stop you rolling the sail up and
getting it into the bag without a fight. It has made absolutely no
difference to whether the boat inverts or not. I had mine removed
by 'Sew Pro', in Hamble (02380 457113/07773 608256) who were the
sailmakers for Hyde. Whilst I visited them, it should only cost 15
to 20 pounds to courier it to them and they did the job a very reasonable
price. Give them a ring.


mrp370 Posted - 10 Jan 2006 : 19:47:00
I'm a bit of a capsize junky, but so far it's only inverted once
(really fast gybe in big seas). I think it just gives enough time
for the side tanks to start filling up and therefore she sits down.
I'm thinking of getting a standard main for next season but I'll
keep the old one and use in in big weather, where a risk of a
capsize is higher, and sail condition is a lesser factor than
sailing skills and courage (or is it stupidity?)

DavidBurnett Posted - 10 Jan 2006 : 15:15:00
I've never found it particularly useful, but I sail in tidal waters and capsizes are usually big breeze three sail affairs with wind agains tide, so the inversion is inevitable.

Class rules allow the use of a keel main (no flotation panel) on C/b boats. I've done this. Sail looks so much better and sets better too.


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