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 Stratos launching trolley Will 4.80/4.00 8 fit

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lohr500 Posted - 21 May 2018 : 18:20:40
Hi all, the original tyres on our Stratos Keel launching trolley have perished. They are Kenda 3.50 x 8 . I bought a pair of 3.50 x 8 4 ply replacement tyres & rims from ebay a couple of weeks ago, which fitted fine. However on returning to the boat park two weeks later, one tyre had blown off the rim. The other blew whilst manoeuvring towards the slipway this weekend. I have contacted the seller asking for a refund.
Given the weight of the Stratos Keel, I am now thinking a road legal high speed 4.80/4.00 8 6 ply tyre may be more robust. Has anyone fitted this tyre size to the original rims and do they clear the launching trolley frame?

Any other recommendations?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lohr500 Posted - 12 Aug 2018 : 13:14:07
Quick update in case anyone is considering the same. Road legal high speed 4.80/4.00 8 6 ply tyres fit the original Stratus plastic launching trolley rims and just clear the trolley framework :)
Much better than the originals and I think the larger diameter helps the trolley to roll easier. Only downside is that the trolley needs to go marginally further into the water for the Stratos to float onto it.

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