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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jamie Posted - 07 Apr 2017 : 20:31:33
Im struggling with the rigging of the genniker. where does the tack line attach inside the boat!!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
graemefindlay Posted - 08 Apr 2017 : 13:26:26
That looks like a shiny new rope kit.

I think it's just knotted or has a bobble on the end to stop it running through, I'll be down at the yard at some point this weekend and will check if no one else has responded yet.

I don't suppose yours is rigged for single line reefing is it?
Jamie Posted - 08 Apr 2017 : 08:56:47
[quote]Originally posted by Jamie

Thanks.the tack line goes through the boom and attaches to the tack. my difficulty is this, where does the other end attach becaues if not attached it will pull out of the boom?

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Jamie Posted - 08 Apr 2017 : 08:43:05
Thanks.the tack line goes through the boom and attaches to the tack. my difficulty is this, where does the other end attach becaues if not attached it will pull out of the boom?
graemefindlay Posted - 07 Apr 2017 : 21:06:20
It comes out the front of the bowsprit.

the rigging guide is quite good on this, pages 16-18

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