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 SOLD - Laser Stratos Keel 511 - Scotland

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lochman Posted - 23 Mar 2015 : 13:46:01
I've had this boat for eight years and only sailed her locally (on Loch Earn). She comes with a full complement of sails (gennaker, mainsail and jib) and the standard combi-trailer. Trapeze wires are not included but there is an outboard motor (Honda 2.3HP) fitted. The boat has been garaged when not in use and is in very good condition. Looking for £4,000 or near offer. Location: Lochearnhead, Stirlingshire.

Image Attachment: laser_stratos.png (257.66 KB)
Uploaded on 23-Apr-2015 04:43:59
Viewed 1593 time(s).
Laser Stratos 511

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lochman Posted - 03 Apr 2015 : 11:10:21
Thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in this, but please note that the boat has now been SOLD. I trust that those who are disappointed will find something suitable elsewhere.

Paul Hicks (Lochman)
Captura Posted - 26 Mar 2015 : 17:47:07
Well its like bees around the honey pot!!
Andrew Thresher Posted - 25 Mar 2015 : 23:45:39
Hi I am very interested in buying your Stratos.

Can you e-mail me some photos of the hull.

Please confirm can you confirm the condition of the sails (gennaker, mainsail and jib) and the standard combi-trailer.

When was the outboard motor serviced, is it a 2 or 4 stroke Honda and is it working ok?

If everything is in good condition then I am ok with your suggestion of 4,000.

Kind regards
Andrew Thresher
07834 196 250

Image Attachment: laser_stratos.png (257.66 KB)
Uploaded on 23-Apr-2015 04:43:59
Viewed 1593 time(s).
Laser Stratos 511

Captura Posted - 25 Mar 2015 : 12:15:46
Hi Paul,

Duly noted, appreciate if you can keep me in mind and I further appreciate end of April is a way off, but a 1200mile round trip to view is pushing it a bit seeing I'm only a few miles away in a few weeks time.

lochman Posted - 24 Mar 2015 : 19:33:15
Hi Tony,

Thanks for your interest. Someone else is hoping to come and have a look next week, so I'll let you know if it's still worth your coming across in April.

All the best,
Paul (Lochman)
brian Posted - 24 Mar 2015 : 12:11:59
Interested in your Stratos Keel
Can you contact me ? I would like to come to see it.I live in the Borders near Selkirk
Mob 07801526100
Captura Posted - 23 Mar 2015 : 21:27:58
Hi Lochman,

I am very interested in your Stratos and was wondering if you have any additional photos. I live in Surrey, but I am sailing out of Oban at the end of April. If she is still available I would be very interested in dropping by to take a look with a view to make you an offer to purchase, if I like what I see.



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