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 2012 Nationals

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NickM Posted - 20 Nov 2011 : 19:03:10
Can anybody remind me when the 2012 Nationals at Warsash are?

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
grahn Posted - 12 Jul 2012 : 16:59:19
Looking good for sail number 125 the slowest boat in the fleet - blue is a slower colour than red - that my excuse. Just got to get it there in one piece. Can you have 3 people in the boat during the event?
deswift Posted - 09 Jul 2012 : 23:50:59
Format for weekend

Registration - and breakfast will be available at Shore House from 0900
Please choose menu for evening
Briefing at 1000
Launch and sail to sailing area
Three races.
Return to club, mid afternoon.
Bar open from 1900 and dinner

Breakfast from 0800
Briefing at 0900
Launch and sail to sailing area
Three or four races.
Return to club for refreshments and prizes.

Racing will take place in Southampton Water, a short sail from the Club.

Warsash Sailing Club
neilgbj Posted - 08 Jul 2012 : 12:54:01
Thanks David, work permitting hope to be there Friday afternoon, looks like we should have some wind anyway...
neilgbj Posted - 07 Jul 2012 : 18:24:16
David/....can we drop boats off Friday night? Will there be any bacon rolls Saturday morning ;)...Anywhere reasonable to eat locally on that side of the river ?....cheers Neil
Derek Richards Posted - 26 Jun 2012 : 17:07:13
Originally posted by Derek Richards
Yes I will be there.

Originally posted by sandy

Hi All

Only a few weeks to go to the Nationals at Warsash SC on July 14/15th. I am attaching the most recent version of the NOR and entry form ( if I have already sent you one, can you please check that you have this current one). It would be helpful if you could email me at if you are coming so that I have a rough idea of numbers - both for numbers of boats and for catering purposes. I look forward to seeing lots of you at Warsash and lets all hope for some lovely weather.


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Rob Stavenuiter Posted - 22 Jun 2012 : 12:29:03
We will participate with the 702.
But we have still one experienced crew member available.
If anyone is looking for crew please lat me know
Rob Stavenuiter
sandy Posted - 21 Jun 2012 : 17:38:55
Hi Neil

Look forward to seeing you guys again.

Sandy x
neilgbj Posted - 20 Jun 2012 : 20:58:27

We will be there in 270, haven't done the Nationals for about 4 years so looking forward to it! Think I owe you for membership so will pay there if ok ?


sandy Posted - 20 Jun 2012 : 16:45:06
Hi All

Only a few weeks to go to the Nationals at Warsash SC on July 14/15th. I am attaching the most recent version of the NOR and entry form ( if I have already sent you one, can you please check that you have this current one). It would be helpful if you could email me at if you are coming so that I have a rough idea of numbers - both for numbers of boats and for catering purposes. I look forward to seeing lots of you at Warsash and lets all hope for some lovely weather.


File Attachment: 120608_Laser_Stratos_and_Europe_Open_Regatta_NOR_2012.doc (70.5 KB)
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neilgbj Posted - 01 Jun 2012 : 06:47:34
Any further details on Nationals yet....David any thoughts on having a 'cruise' day on the Friday if anyone can make it and the club were happy to allow us to arrive a bit earlier...we did a similar thing at Lymington a few years ago and went over to Newtown creek...all weather dependent of course!
deswift Posted - 03 Feb 2012 : 22:14:53
Hi, try these......

Warsash Sailing Club
stratosphere Posted - 01 Feb 2012 : 18:57:07
Thanks David

Look forward to it!

P.S can you (or anybody?) recommend accommodation suitable for 2 x families with young kids nearby before I chance the web?!


Three sheets to the wind is still sailing :o)
deswift Posted - 12 Jan 2012 : 10:33:46
The Nationals are to be held at Warsash Sailing Club on 14-15th July 2012.

WSC also hosted the Stratos Open in 2011 so will be familiar to some.

Please make contact with Sandy for any finer detail, or use

Warsash Sailing Club
stratosphere Posted - 11 Jan 2012 : 22:02:42
No sorry but I would like to know also please!

Three sheets to the wind is still sailing :o)

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