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 Nationals 2008 - warm-up day

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sandy Posted - 11 Feb 2008 : 23:05:50
Those of you who are coming to the Nationals this year are also invited to take part in either a cruise or practic race on July 4th at Lymington.

More detials of this one day event will be released as they become available at the main forum thread on this year's Nationals at

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pcarter Posted - 28 Jun 2008 : 05:18:56
I think Mike is referring to the topic at

Hope to see you all at the morning cruise.

Pete 789
MikeBeggs Posted - 26 Jun 2008 : 20:09:30
Cruises in Lymington - Friday 4th July.
Full details on the Racing - Nationals 2008 pages.
That is so everyone will read them - I hope.
Sayling Posted - 31 Mar 2008 : 11:00:06
Thanks for the encouragement, Neil.

Well, I've booked the accommodation so now I'm just waiting for Sandy to send out the forms.


sail no. 568 - 'Ketchup' @ FGSC
neilgbj Posted - 03 Mar 2008 : 19:18:11

I would say just go and race. You will really enjoy it and learn lots about the boat (and yourselves !). I went last year with my sons and it was the first time we had raced the Stratos. We had a great time and came last, in one or two races we were miles behind and in others we did ok. We are hoping to go this year and fully anticipate battling it out for the wooden spoon again.

It might be worth the class association pairing up novices and more experienced boats as mentors or something similar ?

Anyway I fully recommend the National. Lymington is great, Mike Beggs (Race Officer for the Nationals) seems to know everything about sailing these boats well and I am sure he and others will help you a lot.


Neil (270)

Sayling Posted - 03 Mar 2008 : 11:43:26
Do any boats attend the nationals without taking part in the racing?

We just use our Stratos for pottering about in on a Saturday at the club; I've never taken part in a race in any boat, let alone in the Stratos which we have had less than a year. But I feel I ought to support the class association in this event.


sail no. 568 - 'Ketchup' @ FGSC

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