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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sargesail Posted - 24 May 2006 : 19:10:39
How many boats are you expecting?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pcarter Posted - 24 May 2006 : 19:55:14
It would be great to see you there. Come and say hello even if you turn up with a 2K. Don't forget you'll need to be a class association member (not sure if you are or not), although I suppose you could join on the day. Its only £10 anyway.

Pete 789
Sargesail Posted - 24 May 2006 : 19:46:21
I have access to a 2K or a Stratos. Having found a crew at the last moment and being heavy (very) together it is tempting to bring the Stratos. Haven't discussed it with the crew at all - and I think sailing in the bigger fleet is more tempting - especially if it blows.

However if the forecast is saying F1-2 by Friday then expect us in the Stratos!
sandy Posted - 24 May 2006 : 19:37:43
For the last couple of years there have been about 12 boats and we are hoping for about the same again this year. The Laser 2000's are expecting 40-50 so it should be a busy weekend.

Why? Are you thinking of coming?

Sandy 789

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